
Dancer – in the “Ignitis ON: get to know Lithuania!” race

At the beginning of June, the “Ignitis ON: get to know Lithuania!” electric car competition was held for the ninth time. Their goal is to show for Lithuania the latest electric cars, their capabilities, and introduced the latest technologies. This year, the participants of the competition finished in Klaipėda. The organizers wanted to show that modern electric cars and the infrastructure created for them already allow you to travel long distances, they wanted to encourage the residents to think about the fact that the family no longer needs a diesel car for longer trips, they can be traveled by electric car. The Dancer bus also participated in the event and was used as an Information Kiosk for the participants and guests of the competition. Competition participants were invited to visit dancer, to have a rest here, to hide themself from the wind and get to know Dancer up close.

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